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The Letná Carousel
Closed today

The Letná Carousel

Letenské sady - opposite the NTM building , 170 78 Praha 7

Admission and opening hours

Type Single admission
One ride
? Applies to all age categories
120 CZK

Tickets can only be purchased on the spot.

Openning hours 2024:

available days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

including public holiday within opening seasson below

3rd May - 23th June 11:00 - 17:00

24th June - 1st September 11:00 - 18:00

2nd September - 29th September 11:00 - 17.00

Important information

The carousel has been located in Letenské sady since 1894. It is one of the oldest floor carousels in Europe and is unique thanks to the figures of horses covered with real horse skin. The museum reopened the carousel after a complete renovation in 2022.

The Letná Carousel

Letenské sady - opposite the NTM building , 170 78 Praha 7